World Indices Algorithmic System is the result of a portfolio of proprietary quantitative trading systems. Each of these systems aim to capture the different characteristics of the World Index while being uncorrelated to each other for reasons of diversification. The strategies apply basic indicators that capture trend, reversion and volatility in combination with pattern recognition
NAS100 System Darwin is the result of a portfolio of proprietary quantitative trading systems. Each of these systems aim to capture the different characteristics of the Nasdaq Index while being uncorrelated to each other for reasons of diversification. The strategies apply basic indicators that capture trend, reversion and volatility in combination with pattern recognition techniques.
Darwinex is a UK-based social trading broker and asset manager. Its trading platform has a tool that dissects a trader’s strategy and rates it according to its risk, scalability, performance, experience. This allows other investors to view the risks involved with a particular trading strategy unlike other forex copy trading systems. The company is regulated